The soft palate is the muscular part at the back of the roof of the mouth. It sits behind the hard palate, which is the bony part of the roof of the mouth. The palates play important roles in swallowing, breathing, and speech.

The soft palate is the muscular part at the back of the roof of the mouth. It sits behind the hard palate, which is the bony part of the roof of the mouth. The palates play important roles in swallowing, breathing, and speech.

Studio Ortodontico

Lo studio Minenna Ortodonzia nasce dalla volontà di realizzare uno studio esclusivamente ortodontico, punto di riferimento per i bambini e i ragazzi, dall’età pediatrica a quella adolescenziale, ma anche un centro di riferimento per pazienti adulti che necessitano di un trattamento specialistico.

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